We are already halfway through January 2024, but that won’t stop me from making some equestrian New Year’s resolutions!

1. Put more energy into the MWE blog
In case some of you haven’t noticed, I have been slacking a bit with my weekly blog posts. I don’t have a great excuse other than starting a new job and beginning to put more work on my mental health, which takes time. This year, I would like to find my passion for blogging again. I love sharing information with others and want to continue to do so.
2. Stop trying to be perfect
A big personal block I have when it comes to horses is the thought that everything I do has to be perfect. The weather has to be just right, I have to be in the exact right mood, and I have to accomplish 17 things for it to count. This year, I want to continue to challenge that mindset and realize that any time spent with the horses is valid and worth it.
3. Read more horse books (or listen to audio books)
Reading used to be my only hobby. However, when I entered college, that hobby slowly became less interesting to me. I have been working on getting into the habit of reading again and would like to read at least 4 equine related books this year (and yes, I am including audiobooks!).
4. Continue to approach horsemanship with an empathetic lens
Last year I learned a lot about empathetic horsemanship and positive reinforcement. This year, I would like to continue to expand my knowledge on the subject and to treat my horses with the empathy they deserve.
5. Simplify, simplify, simplify
One thing I have been working on in my personal life and would like to extend to my equestrian activities is simplification. I really got into decluttering and simple living last year and feel that extending these practices to the horse-y part of my life would be beneficial.
6. Get our lesson program up and running in the spring
My biggest goal for 2024 is to get our lesson program up and running. I have been researching liability insurance, first-aid certifications, and setting up lesson plans this winter and can’t wait to finally be able to open our doors to the public.
Thank you so much for reading about my 2024 equestrian new year’s resolutions! Do you have some of your own resolutions for 2024? Let us know! Hope everyone has a safe and happy new year!
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