8 Toxic Foods For Horses to Avoid At All Costs

As gardening season is ramping up, I wanted to share a quick list of toxic fruits and vegetables (plus a couple of bonus foods) that you should never feed your horse. 1. Potatoes Potatoes contain atropine which can have a paralytic effect on the horse’s GI tract leading to severe colic. All parts of the…… Continue reading 8 Toxic Foods For Horses to Avoid At All Costs

9 Ways Equestrians Can Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

April is sustainability month! As such, this month I would like to discuss environmentally-focused topics as they relate to horses and equestrianism. This week we are starting with 9 simple ways that equestrians can reduce their carbon footprint. Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash What is a carbon footprint? According to The Nature Conservancy,…… Continue reading 9 Ways Equestrians Can Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

The Two Things to Add to Your Horse’s Diet Right Now

After a few week’s hiatus (my bad), I’m back, baby! This week I wanted to talk about the two things you may need to add to your horse’s diet (if you don’t already feed them). To put it simply, they are iodized salt and an omega-3 fatty acid supplement. Let’s explore each of these ingredients…… Continue reading The Two Things to Add to Your Horse’s Diet Right Now

9 Signs It’s Time to Break Up with Your Horseback Riding Instructor

Do you want to learn how to ride horses? Have you found a horseback riding instructor but suddenly realize that you are no longer enjoying your lessons? Here are 9 reasons why you may want to break up with your horseback riding instructor. Photo by Stefanie Poepken on Unsplash 1. They are disrespectful to you.…… Continue reading 9 Signs It’s Time to Break Up with Your Horseback Riding Instructor

7 Facts About Equine Vision That May Surprise You

Up until recently, I thought I had a pretty good understanding of how horses see. Being the egocentric human being that I am, that understanding equated to, “Well, they must see like us, duh!”. But after starting to read Horse Brain, Human Brain by Janet L. Jones, PhD, I started to realize that they were…… Continue reading 7 Facts About Equine Vision That May Surprise You

Blanketing Horses in the Winter: 7 Things to Consider

As colder temperatures begin to creep in, the age-old question arises: should I be blanketing my horse? Unfortunately, there is much debate surrounding this topic and the decision can become challenging. This week I wanted to share 7 things to consider when blanketing horses. 1. Winter Coat Development Does your horse have a thick, wooly…… Continue reading Blanketing Horses in the Winter: 7 Things to Consider

7 Things Your Horse Would Actually Like for Christmas

Over the years I have seen many posts and videos of equestrians showing off what they bought their horse for Christmas. A lot of the times it is the latest Ogilvy saddle pad (in a limited edition color!), “support” boots, or maybe some shiny new spurs (woohoo). This year, I wanted to share a list…… Continue reading 7 Things Your Horse Would Actually Like for Christmas