Manes & Tales: Riding Accident – My Horse Stepped On Me

Welcome back to another installment of Manes and Tales! This week I wanted to share the story of my first major riding accident.

Disclaimer 🙂

Before we start, a few disclaimers. First, I was wearing a helmet (thank goodness). Second, looking back I can realize that numerous poor decisions led to this situation. Third, this was not my first fall, but it was my first major fall.


Let me set the stage. I was a fresh-faced, horse-crazy girl in the middle of her 5th-grade year. My mom had recently (less than a year prior) purchased an 18-year-old Paint gelding named Bandit. Looking back, he was not a good fit for us as he became more than we as beginners could handle.

He was fine in the beginning but he slowly changed and was no longer right for us. This accident was also by no means his fault and we do not blame him. We were just inexperienced and acted with poor judgement.

The Accident

The evening that my accident occurred, my friend was riding bareback in the indoor arena. I had never ridden bareback before and decided that I wanted to try. We had no idea whether Bandit had been bareback before but I was feeling brave that day.

After getting Bandit’s bridle on, we went into the arena where the barn owner was waiting (she had wanted to help). We lined Bandit up to the mounting block but quickly realized I wouldn’t be able to get up on my own.

My mom was holding him and the barn owner decided to help give me a boost. Unfortunately, the barn owner boosted me before I was ready, essentially launching me over Bandit’s back. I believe I may have made a surprised noise (understandably), which spooked him.

Bandit spooked to the right and, due to the overzealous boost, I also fell off to the right. Not good. As he spooked, Bandit managed to knock my mom over and step on her leg as well.

Once I hit the ground, I was essentially trampled. Bandit stepped on my left shoulder blade and slid his hoof across my back. He also stepped on one of my legs. Miraculously, I didn’t break anything, and he didn’t hit me in the head.


I don’t remember hearing much immediately after the fall but I was eventually brought to my feet once my mom determined I could move. We went into the office break room where I remember watching The Simpsons Tree House of Horror while my mom looked me over some more. Yay for cartoons.

I didn’t ride for about a year and a half after this accident and wouldn’t go near any horse for at least 6 months. We kept Bandit for a few years and had planned on selling him. Unfortunately, after a change of barns in 2012(?), he got his legs tangled in some fencing, cutting numerous tendons, and had to be put down.


Looking back on this fall, I sympathize with my younger self. I went from someone who loved horses and would do anything to be near them, to one that was afraid to even pet one. This trauma stuck with me for a long time and I would believe that other horses I rode would do the same thing.

I think it is important to understand that many (especially children) don’t fully comprehend the dangers of riding horses. They think that they are invincible and that nothing can happen. I know I did.

It took years for me to fully recover mentally from this fall. I know my mom was getting a little impatient as the years passed and I wasn’t improving. Eventually, through some great instructors and horses, I was able to regain my confidence and am no longer afraid (most days).

Although it is impossible to prevent accidents entirely, I think it is important to always instill caution and critical thinking practices into newer and younger riders. Horses can be dangerous animals when they want to be and it is important to never forget that.

Thank you so much for reading my third installment of Manes and Tales. As stated in previous posts, I feel it’s important to share past experiences and what can be learned from them.

Let me know if any of the information in this post surprised you! Have you had a major riding accident? Would you like to see more Manes and Tales posts? I’d love to hear from you.

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