Commercial hay steamers sure are expensive! When you’re in a pinch, a quick at-home steamer can be a lifesaver! We decided to try and construct one ourselves to help our pony with heaves through some lower-quality hay!
NOTE: Remember to please always use caution when using your DIY steamer! If you are going to be steaming your horse’s hay indefinitely, I would personally recommend budgeting for a commercial steamer whenever possible.
Things You’ll Need
For this project, you will need:
- A large tote (preferably one made of heavy-duty plastic/resin that can withstand higher temperatures) (for example, we used this one)
- A thermometer capable of reading up to 212 degrees F (we used a meat thermometer)
- A wallpaper steamer (this is where the steam will come from!)
- A metal or heavy duty plastic rack (to set on the bottom of the tote)
- A 2 foot piece of copper pipe (we used 3/8″ diameter)
- A copper end cap that fits your pipe
- A brick (or other heat resistant item) to hold the pipe up from the bottom
- A cotton blanket to cover steamer for added insulation
- A hacksaw (capable of cutting metal)
- A drill and drill bit the size of your steamer’s tubing
How to Make the Hay Steamer
Assembling the steamer is quite simple!
1. Cut the steamer’s tubing to a suitable length. We cut ours down to about 2 feet in length.
2. Drill a hole near the bottom of the tote and insert the steamer’s tube.
3. Take your piece of copper tubing and cut multiple, evenly spaced slits on one side.
4. Bend your copper tubing into a general U-shape that will fit nicely in the bottom of the tote.
5. Add the end cap to the copper tubing.
6. The inside of your steamer’s tubing should have a rubber hose. Insert the copper tubing into it. This may take a little effort!
7. Place your brick or whatever object you chose in the bottom of the steamer and rest the tubing on top of it.
8. Set your racking of choice over the tubing.
9. Depending on your thermometer type, drill a small hole into the side or lid of your tote to insert it. This will allow you to monitor the temperature without having to open the steamer.
Ta da! You have just made a DIY hay steamer!
How to Use the Hay Steamer
To use the steamer, you’ll need to fill the wallpaper steamer according to instructions and plug it in. Then, you will want to wet down whatever hay you will be putting in the steamer (this makes for a better steam).
Place the hay in the steamer and close the lid. Depending on what type of tote you are using, you may want to place a large cotton blanket or towel over the tote to provide more insulation.
Steam the hay until you get a temperature reading of 176 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes or more. We have been able to sustain temperatures of about 200 degrees Fahrenheit with our steamer!
Use caution when opening the steamer as it is easy to burn your fingers. Let the hay cool for just a bit, and then serve to your hungry horse!
Thank you so much for reading about how to build your own DIY hay steamer. Let me know if anything in this post surprised you! I’d love to hear from you.
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