How To Make A DIY Horse Show Ribbons Display Frame

For many who enjoy showing horses, an accumulation of show ribbons is bound to invade their home. Finding a way to display these ribbons in a classy or neat manner can sometimes be difficult.

I was always one who opted to just hang them all on the wall with a line of twine so that I could see every single one. However, when you reach a certain quantity of ribbons, you can quickly lose sight (literally) of whatever wall you are hanging them on.

room with horse show ribbons hung across the wall
My bedroom circa 2016

Now, of course, if this is a look that you enjoy, I’m not trying to shame you! I just found myself wanting to display my ribbons in a little more stylish manner.

After doing a bit of web browsing, I rediscovered the concept of a shadow box. I drew inspiration from photos I found on the blogs Stable Style and Athenian Lady.

horse show ribbons on display in a frame
Credit: Athenian Lady
horse show ribbons on display in a frame
Credit: Stable Style

Assembling the Frame

When I first started thinking about this DIY, I realized that I had thrifted a framed art print that I no longer liked. I took the print out of the frame and started to arrange the ribbons in it.

Now, others that have done this DIY seem to have cut off the ribbon part from the rosette. But I decided not to do that, just in case in the future I wanted to display them differently. Instead, I tucked the ribbon tails up under the rosette and held them in place with the metal hanger.

My frame was deep enough to do two layers for a fuller look. After I had the ribbons arranged how I wanted, I just simply reattached the back and admired my new display!

I do have a larger frame that needs to be modified to be made deeper that could display a lot more ribbons, so let me know if you would like a post on that as well!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you found this DIY helpful. How do you display your horse show ribbons? Let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear from you.

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