9 Essential Equestrian Life Hacks to Utilize This Winter

Yep, I’m back with more (winter) equestrian life hacks.

brown horse with white blaze in a green blanket - equestrian life hack
Monarch in ‘winter mode’

Winter is coming and, although we have had fairly tolerable weather lately, the cold is inevitable. Travelling to and working in an unheated barn can be nightmarish and torturous.

Luckily, I have some hacks for you! As someone who, like most, HATES being cold, I have developed some tips and methods over the many Midwestern winters I have endured.

This post will mainly be focused on ways to keep you, the equestrian, warm and toasty during your time at the barn. I am planning on doing a future post with more tips based on horse care so watch out for that!

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Nitrile Gloves Under Winter Gloves

Frozen fingers are the enemy of the equestrian. Not only are they painful, but lack of dexterity makes many tasks at the barn difficult. To prevent this frigid nightmare, I like to wear a pair of nitrile gloves under my winter gloves.

The nitrile gloves act as a sort of insulating layer under your regular gloves. I find that the extra layer reflects the heat of my hands back at them, keeping them toasty warm.

I find that this method is better than wearing two pairs of gloves, as that method tends to cut off the circulation to my hands. The only drawback to this hack is that your hands may get a little sweaty. I don’t mind as much but just wanted to let you know. šŸ™‚

Electric Hand Warmers

I’m sure everyone knows about hand warmers – the little packets that you shake to activate and then pop in your pocket for a nice toasty nest for your hands. A gift from the gods on a cold winter’s day.

But did you know that electric hand warmers are available? I like these better than traditional handwarmers for a few reasons. One, they are rechargeable and reusable. Two, you can turn them on and off so you aren’t wasting potential heat. And, three, some models allow you to choose the heat level.

Purchase this hand warmer here.

What more could you and your frozen fingers ask for?

Leggings/Tights Under Jeans/Breeches

Remember, layering is your friend! When those wintery winds are really blowing, I find my thighs to be the worst victim. Normally, tall socks can protect the shins and jackets protect your torso, but what about the thighs?!

I like to layer a pair of leggings under my jeans for some added insulation and warmth. This hack works best if your jeans are not too tight or the leggings are not too thick. We don’t want to cut off your circulation. Blood flow is the key to staying warm.

A variation to this hack is wearing tights under your breeches or riding pants. This offers less warmth than the leggings, but allows you a little extra insulation without compromising mobility.

Toe Warmers Are Your Friend

Much like frozen fingers, frozen toes are killer. Luckily, technology has gifted us with the miracle of toe warmers! Simply stick the toe warmer to your sock, put your boots on, and bingo! Toasty toes for hours. Never feel that horrific, frozen-toe pain again.

Purchase these toe warmers here

Ski Goggles

This hack’s benefits are twofold — prevents face icicles and shields your eyes from the blinding snow. If you haven’t had the pleasure of developing icicles on your eyelashes, I feel bad for you, son. Just kidding.

In reality, frozen eyelashes and eyebrows are super annoying. They make it hard to see and make your face even colder. To prevent these nuisances, invest in a pair of ski goggles. They will keep those icicles at bay while helping you see your horse in the blinding, white landscape.

Gaiters Before Scarves

I used to be a scarf person back in the day. But after I discovered gaiters it was sayonara to scarves. Gaiters are much more convenient and practical for a few reasons.

One, you’re less likely to get tangled up in a gaiter than a scarf. Two, gaiters that include ear loops are much easier to put on and take off. And, three, they are less bulky than scarves, adding to your mobility and comfort at the barn.

I prefer this style of mask to prevent slippage.

Ski/Snow Pants

This one is more of an old school or obvious hack. Simply wearing snow pants over your jeans or riding pants when you have to be out in the cold is a life saver. You can get them in overall or pant styles.

I will say that I have tried the pant style ski pants and found that they were hard to keep up over my pants. I would definitely opt for the bib/overall style given the choice.

Waterproof Jackets

If you can afford the luxury of a new, waterproof coat, go for it! But if you already have some winter coats in your collection that are warm but not waterproof, have no fear! There are numerous fabric waterproofing products but my favorite is by KIWI.

Any jacket can be waterproofed easily with just a coat or two of this stuff. It is essentially a silicone spray that coats the fibers and keeps water out. Reapply as needed.

Do note that if you need to wash your jacket, don’t use detergent as this can remove your waterproof coating. Follow all directions from manufacturer.

can of KIWI brand camp dry waterproofing spay - equestrian life hack
Purchase some waterproofing spray here

Silk/Lycra Layers

Our final equestrian life hack is another layering tip. When layering under your jacket, opt for silk or lycra layers. They are great at insulating your body and will reflect the heat you create back at you, keeping you toasty warm.

Athletic tops work best for this and you can find numerous styles that will fit your comfort needs. Don’t forget to check thrift stores for these items as well! Save money and save the planet!

Thank you so much for reading about our winter equestrian life hacks. I hope you try out some of them to have a warmer, more pleasant winter this year!

Let me know if any of the information in this post surprised you! What are some of your winter equestrian life hacks? Iā€™d love to hear from you.

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