It’s a Kitten Party! – MWE Barn Cat Update

Hello, my fellow equestrians and horse (cat) lovers! I wanted to once again share a quick update on our future barn cat Lola and her babies!

The kittens are just over 12 weeks now and are getting BIG! Their personalities are really starting to come through and Lola is teaching them all about how to be a cat.

Note: Meatball and Karl did not stick around upon release, so sadly there will be little to no updates on the wild boys.

kitten and mama


  • Second largest kitten
  • Loves to wrestle – always assaulting her siblings
  • Purrs like an engine
  • Likes the occasional snuggle but isn’t 100% on board


  • Snugglebug – loves attention and will come when called
  • Loves belly rubs – the rougher the better
  • Went from smallest kitten to the largest
  • Only boy in the litter
  • Loves to climb up your back and leg (much to my dismay at times – kitten claws are sharp!)


  • Mama’s girl – anywhere mom goes, Lily goes
  • Smallest kitten – currently about 3 pounds while her siblings are around 4!
  • Appreciates her personal space – not too keen on human affection yet
  • Likes to play by herself – when her siblings show up, she loses interest


  • Troublemaker – always knocking SOMETHING over
  • Loves to climb -Trash cans? More like jungle gym!
  • Instigator – always starting wrestling matches or getting her siblings in trouble
  • Purrs loud and proud
  • Not sure about this whole human affection thing yet – will sometimes tolerate love

Current Set Up

The kittens now have a full run of the garage and are (clearly) trashing it just a little. I’m so glad they aren’t growing up in the house!

We eliminated the large fenced off area and left the original kennel as a food and water area. The smaller cages that Meatball and Karl were in will be utilized when everyone gets spayed/neutered.

Thank you so much for reading our barn cat update! Which kitten is your favorite? I’d love to hear from you. Don’t tell the others, but mine is (still) Nugget. 🙂

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