Blanketing Horses in the Winter: 7 Things to Consider

As colder temperatures begin to creep in, the age-old question arises: should I be blanketing my horse? Unfortunately, there is much debate surrounding this topic and the decision can become challenging. This week I wanted to share 7 things to consider when blanketing horses. 1. Winter Coat Development Does your horse have a thick, wooly…… Continue reading Blanketing Horses in the Winter: 7 Things to Consider

7 Things Your Horse Would Actually Like for Christmas

Over the years I have seen many posts and videos of equestrians showing off what they bought their horse for Christmas. A lot of the times it is the latest Ogilvy saddle pad (in a limited edition color!), “support” boots, or maybe some shiny new spurs (woohoo). This year, I wanted to share a list…… Continue reading 7 Things Your Horse Would Actually Like for Christmas

How to Identify and Assess Equine Lameness

Lameness is the bane of many equestrians’ existence. It can crush competition dreams and even mean the end of a riding career. Although lameness is preventable to a certain degree, it is often inevitable in any horse’s life. But what exactly is the definition of lameness? Lameness is considered any deviation from a horse’s normal…… Continue reading How to Identify and Assess Equine Lameness

Easy DIY Mane & Tail Detangler (2 Different Ways)

Why DIY You may be wondering, why should I DIY a mane & tail detangler when I could simply just buy one off the shelf? Well, I’m glad you maybe asked! First, many mane & tail detanglers contain ingredients like silicone. Over time, silicone can build up on your horse’s hair, resulting in a dry…… Continue reading Easy DIY Mane & Tail Detangler (2 Different Ways)

9 Products You Need to Upgrade Your Grooming Kit

In my previous post, I listed out a few products and tools that make up a basic but effective grooming kit. To reiterate, all you need is a rubber curry comb, a stiff body brush, a soft body brush, a hair brush for the mane and tail, and a hoof pick. However, there may come…… Continue reading 9 Products You Need to Upgrade Your Grooming Kit

10 Helpful Tips for Broke Equestrians (From a Broke Equestrian)

This week I wanted to share some of my top tips for the broke equestrian. Feel free to share some of your own tips in the comments! You can never have too many! Post contains Amazon Affiliate links. I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support. 🙂 1. Easily…… Continue reading 10 Helpful Tips for Broke Equestrians (From a Broke Equestrian)

Budget Equestrian Style: How Horse People Can Save Money

It is fairly well-known that being an equestrian can get pretty expensive. With riding clothes, equipment, and more driving up the costs, you may be wondering if there are any ways to save money. That’s where I come in 🙂 My mom got me into riding lessons when I was 8 years old (16 years…… Continue reading Budget Equestrian Style: How Horse People Can Save Money

15 Easy Equestrian Life Hacks That You Should Use in 2022

I know what you may be thinking. Hacks? Really? What is this 2019? But hear me out! I wanted to share with you all my equestrian life hacks/tips/tricks (whatever you want to call them) that I have gathered or learned over nearly 15 years of being around horses. For this list, I accumulated all the…… Continue reading 15 Easy Equestrian Life Hacks That You Should Use in 2022

Buzz Off: An Equestrian’s Review of Popular Fly Spray Brands

It’s fly season. You and your horse are being swarmed by flying insects of all kinds. Tails swishing, feet stomping, skin twitching. You need some fly spray, NOW. After heading to the store, you are bombarded with numerous brands and price points. Some claim to last 14 days. Some say wipe on. Does that one…… Continue reading Buzz Off: An Equestrian’s Review of Popular Fly Spray Brands

Too Hot to Trot? – How to Determine Ideal Weather for Horseback Riding

When is it too hot to ride? How can you determine the best weather for horseback riding? What steps can you take to help beat the heat? Keep reading to find out! What weather conditions create an environment that is too hot to ride your horse? We’ll share a few different things you can look…… Continue reading Too Hot to Trot? – How to Determine Ideal Weather for Horseback Riding