The Two Things to Add to Your Horse’s Diet Right Now

After a few week’s hiatus (my bad), I’m back, baby! This week I wanted to talk about the two things you may need to add to your horse’s diet (if you don’t already feed them). To put it simply, they are iodized salt and an omega-3 fatty acid supplement. Let’s explore each of these ingredients…… Continue reading The Two Things to Add to Your Horse’s Diet Right Now

7 Facts About Equine Vision That May Surprise You

Up until recently, I thought I had a pretty good understanding of how horses see. Being the egocentric human being that I am, that understanding equated to, “Well, they must see like us, duh!”. But after starting to read Horse Brain, Human Brain by Janet L. Jones, PhD, I started to realize that they were…… Continue reading 7 Facts About Equine Vision That May Surprise You

Equine Reproduction and Behavior: A Quick Introduction

Although equine reproduction is not my favorite subject, this week I am giving you guys a brief overview of the behaviors we often see! I am also planning on going into more detail on breeding in the future so stay tuned for that! Photo by Paz Arando on Unsplash Main Goals of Equine Reproduction In…… Continue reading Equine Reproduction and Behavior: A Quick Introduction

Top 10 Essentials For Your Equine First Aid Kit

Here are our top 10 equine first aid kit essentials! This list is a great jumping point for building your kit. Let us know in the comments what some of your essentials are! 1. Thermometer When your horse appears ill, taking their temperature should be priority number one. Digital thermometers are super handy for a…… Continue reading Top 10 Essentials For Your Equine First Aid Kit

How to Make An Affordable DIY Hay Steamer

Commercial hay steamers sure are expensive! When you’re in a pinch, a quick at-home steamer can be a lifesaver! We decided to try and construct one ourselves to help our pony with heaves through some lower-quality hay! NOTE: Remember to please always use caution when using your DIY steamer! If you are going to be…… Continue reading How to Make An Affordable DIY Hay Steamer

How to Perform Equine Physical, Neurological and Dental Exams

Whether you are looking to purchase a new equine friend or simply want to advance your equine husbandry education, being able to properly perform equine exams is a key skill. In this post, I will run through how to perform three different equine exams: physical, neurological, and dental. Equine Physical Exams When performing an equine…… Continue reading How to Perform Equine Physical, Neurological and Dental Exams

Out of Thin Air: A Peek at Equine COPD (Heaves)

This week’s topic hits a little close to home, as our miniature horse, Stormy, has recently been struggling with heaves. Unfortunately, the years of being housed in inadequate living conditions have caught up with her. This post is meant to help educate other equestrians who are struggling with managing their horse’s heaves. So what exactly…… Continue reading Out of Thin Air: A Peek at Equine COPD (Heaves)

An Overview of the Equine Respiratory System and Its Functions

Anatomy of the Equine Respiratory System The equine respiratory system (we’ll say ERS for short) is made up of an upper and lower respiratory tract. To understand the function of the ERS, we must first examine its anatomy. FUN FACT: Over the last several decades, researchers have found growing evidence that the ERS may be…… Continue reading An Overview of the Equine Respiratory System and Its Functions

How to Identify and Assess Equine Lameness

Lameness is the bane of many equestrians’ existence. It can crush competition dreams and even mean the end of a riding career. Although lameness is preventable to a certain degree, it is often inevitable in any horse’s life. But what exactly is the definition of lameness? Lameness is considered any deviation from a horse’s normal…… Continue reading How to Identify and Assess Equine Lameness

What Every Equestrian Should Know About Laminitis and Founder

Laminitis. The word alone is enough to send shivers down any equestrian’s spine. Often deemed as a death sentence, laminitis is one of the most common disorders in horses and ponies. Laminitis is defined as inflammation of the tissue between the hoof and coffin bone. Contrary to many people’s beliefs, founder and laminitis are not…… Continue reading What Every Equestrian Should Know About Laminitis and Founder