Ways to Keep Your Horse Cool During a Heat Wave

Ensure fresh water is always available. Just like when you are overheated and would like a drink, horses rely heavily on cool, fresh water to regulate their body temperature. Make sure you are always checking the water level in your horses’ tanks or buckets and keeping the water clean and desirable. If you suspect your…… Continue reading Ways to Keep Your Horse Cool During a Heat Wave

Buzz Off: An Equestrian’s Review of Popular Fly Spray Brands

It’s fly season. You and your horse are being swarmed by flying insects of all kinds. Tails swishing, feet stomping, skin twitching. You need some fly spray, NOW. After heading to the store, you are bombarded with numerous brands and price points. Some claim to last 14 days. Some say wipe on. Does that one…… Continue reading Buzz Off: An Equestrian’s Review of Popular Fly Spray Brands

How To Select the Perfect Fly Mask for Your Horse

It’s finally summer! You know what that means. FLIES, FLIES, AND MORE FLIES. You may be looking for a new fly mask for your horse to try and combat those relentless bugs this year. But with all the options available, it can become pretty difficult to determine which one you should purchase. Stormy wearing a…… Continue reading How To Select the Perfect Fly Mask for Your Horse