Manes & Tales: Riding Accident – My Horse Stepped On Me

Welcome back to another installment of Manes and Tales! This week I wanted to share the story of my first major riding accident. Disclaimer 🙂 Before we start, a few disclaimers. First, I was wearing a helmet (thank goodness). Second, looking back I can realize that numerous poor decisions led to this situation. Third, this…… Continue reading Manes & Tales: Riding Accident – My Horse Stepped On Me

Manes and Tales: My Old Barn Owner Shouldn’t Own Horses

Welcome back to another installment of my new post series, Manes and Tales. This week I wanted to tell you all some interesting events and occurrences that happened with a barn owner we boarded with in the past. I will not be mentioning any names/dates in these stories to keep people/places anonymous. I hold no…… Continue reading Manes and Tales: My Old Barn Owner Shouldn’t Own Horses

Manes and Tales: My Outrageous First Horse Trainer Experience

Welcome to the first Manes and Tales post! I decided that I wanted to make some more story-based content and here’s the first one! I will not be mentioning any names/dates in these stories to keep people/places anonymous. Please enjoy the story and learn from our mistakes! Some Backstory Today I wanted to tell you…… Continue reading Manes and Tales: My Outrageous First Horse Trainer Experience