Blanketing Horses in the Winter: 7 Things to Consider

As colder temperatures begin to creep in, the age-old question arises: should I be blanketing my horse? Unfortunately, there is much debate surrounding this topic and the decision can become challenging. This week I wanted to share 7 things to consider when blanketing horses. 1. Winter Coat Development Does your horse have a thick, wooly…… Continue reading Blanketing Horses in the Winter: 7 Things to Consider

Through the Judge’s Eyes: How to Evaluate Equine Balance and Conformation

Have you ever wondered what makes the top performance horses so successful? The answer can most likely be found in the study of equine balance and conformation. Horses that are built well, typically perform well. It is important to evaluate horses’ balance and conformation for a few reasons. By being conformationally correct and balanced, our…… Continue reading Through the Judge’s Eyes: How to Evaluate Equine Balance and Conformation

Pasture Planning: How to Create the Perfect Habitat for Your Horse

In preparation for our Spring 2023 planning, I thought we would discuss some things you need to consider when planning an equine pasture. We will discuss the horse’s natural tendencies, things every pasture needs, fencing types, and some extra considerations. **Please note that much of what we discuss are ideals. We understand that not everyone…… Continue reading Pasture Planning: How to Create the Perfect Habitat for Your Horse